Aplikasi data penduduk excel
Aplikasi data penduduk excel

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Item Type:ĭosen Pembimbing: Nurfaizah, M.Kom., dan Eka Tripustikasari, S.E., M.Si.Aplikasi Database Excel Gratis - 315,085 related keywords -Īs a free keyword analysis tool, helps users to provide data associated with the keyword Aplikasi Database Excel Gratis, such as global search volume, cpc and competition, you can directly enjoy the data and guide your online marketing. And the results of the test using user acceptance testing that is the application successfully run and as expected, so it can be concluded that the website-based population data registrar application can be used to help village devices in the process of managing population data in Banjareja Village. The test results use black box testing that is in accordance with the test plan and specifications required. The method used by researchers in the creation of applications is the Extreme Programming method consisting of planning, designing, coding and testing. This research aims to produce population data collection application in Banjareja Village to be able to assist in the management of population data so that it becomes more effective and efficient. In addition, there are also some obstacles in the process of administration of population data in Banjareja Village. Asset management in the process of administration of population data in Banjareja Village is already computerized but still uses Microsoft Excel which is quite time consuming and energy making it less effective and efficient. Banjareja Village Hall office has a responsibility in managing the administration of population data, especially the devices concerned to take care of it. Banjareja Village Hall is one of the government agencies located in Banjareja Village Nusawungu Sub-District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java.

Aplikasi data penduduk excel